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원어민후기 원어민 수강 리얼 리뷰 #8

  • 작성자MercyA.Kitano
  • 작성일2021.08.21
  • 조회수154
  • 신고하기

We should be aware that English is the meeting point

of all languages regardless of cultural background, race, status in life,

country of origin, and beliefs/traditions. While taking up TESOL course,

we have proven that learning is a burning and a never ending course.


We may have finished some degree but we still thirst for other fields of education.

I have been teaching for many years but I realized that there are more spaces

to be filled after taking TESOL course.


It will be a challenging task but I hope that

I will be able to apply those teaching techniques and strategies

in my classes in the future. Modules 1-17 is a lot to learn.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to teacher

Ms. Erin Kim for sharing it with us. I also want to share the;


Benefits Of TESOL Courses According to the Asian College of Teachers


Joining TESOL course is a great decision because

it’s your chance to learn new things about teaching an ESL classroom.

It’s about gaining comprehensive knowledge of teaching

techniques and strategies that are related to day in and day out teaching process.


Thus it’s about sharpening our skills related

to the task of listening, reading, speaking and writing.

It further covers the lesson plans, classroom management

and other techniques applicable at all levels of language

learning for all ages of students-adults as well as young learners.


Since student management is a very complicated task,

TESOL explores all such techniques of handing classes efficiently.


The course elaborately deals with two major aspects

of teaching in an ESL classroom i.e. grammar and phonology.

Various activities like grammar games are practiced to bring fun in the language learning.

While on the other hand, phonology helps to shed light on those areas

of pronunciation which needs special attention.


These are absolutely necessary for any language trainer.


The in-class teaching practice is an add-on for

any trainee teacher to imbibe the skills of actual classroom.

It’s a real time exposure to the world of teaching.

TESOL thus has multiple benefits for someone

who wants to have a career of a teacher,

trainer, coach or mentor. You could have an adventurous

life by traveling places across the globe and alongside

have opportunities to touch and build lives.

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