과정 구분
과정 카테고리


원어민후기 원어민 수강 리얼 리뷰 #7

  • 작성자ImeldaA.Kitano
  • 작성일2021.08.21
  • 조회수17
  • 신고하기


테솔컬리지 테솔자격증 

First and foremost,

I would like to say that the course was very well-planned,

educative, informative and keenly molded in an outstanding way

of executions from module to module making it possible for the instructor to deliver it carefully

for the learners to perceive it with the essence intact.


The principles and theories made me think

about what I’ve learned many years back during college life and the beginning of my career.

The informations are really goldmine not only

for English teachers but to other guardians or teachers as well.


 I also want to say that the facilitators in this course are very 

helpful and never stop guiding us from the beginning to the very end, 

answering our inquiries and assisting us every time we needed help.

 I really appreciate that. I also salute 김경이 teacher by being superb.


 She tried to explain everything effectively,

professionally and with real demonstrations. 

Aside from being smart and beautiful,

her voice tone is angelic, making us awake to listen and

never been bored watching the video clips.

 What a gift! I just wished she did the English version.


I am amazed to point out something very important 

I have learned in this course. Oh! The PPP. 

In my years of teaching, I wasn’t aware of the name.

 Though I knew I had been using it, I observed that most of the teachers,

even Korean teachers, are confused about the similarities

 of development and produce part of the lesson plan. 

It helped me so much to understand deeper the importance 

of the lesson plan, whether you are skilled or not.


Lastly, I am grateful to be a part of this program. 

Not only learned much, but given the chance to benefit

 through the learning materials available in the site. 

I definitely recommend this TESOL course to whoever wanted

 to be a successful professional teacher in the future,

especially to language teachers.

Thank you so much.

파일 아이콘첨부파일

