과정 구분
과정 카테고리


원어민후기 원어민 수강 리얼 리뷰 #5

  • 작성자AyrinPagute
  • 작성일2021.08.19
  • 조회수19
  • 신고하기


테솔컬리지 테솔자격증 

I am honored and privileged to introduce myself in this progressive institution TESOL COLLEGE.

My name is Ayrin A. Pagute born from beautiful country Philippines.


Fortunately thanks God, for giving me a chance

to teach here from kindergarten to elementery school.


but then I realized now, my teaching strategies wasn't

enough like going to the war without weapon until I found this course TESOL COLLEGE.


My personal philosophy when it comes to education

and learning is closely related to several cognitive theories of motivation.

I believe that what goes on the classroom management is my responsibility,

and by working with students, all of us can create an ideal environment for education,

safety, understanding, and even fun. By keeping things positive,

I believe that students will end up in learning more and more in my lessons.


Lastly, I am grateful to this course for a great opportunity

to check again my grammar capability, methodology concepts, and effective lesson planning.

thank you very much and more power.

파일 아이콘첨부파일

