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원어민후기 원어민 수강 리얼 리뷰 #1

  • 작성자FeUbaPabualan
  • 작성일2021.08.18
  • 조회수79
  • 신고하기



테솔컬리지 테솔자격증



Generally I would like to offer my deep appreciation

of gratitude for this 6 weeks online learning.


Personally I thank TESOL College

for this initiative to enhance more

my capabilities and skills towards my profession.


It boost my confidence on how to deal young students such as EFL.

One thing that inspire me more is to be capable through your

compliments based on our previous series of assignments.

It brings impact and realizations to my teaching style.


Nonetheless, the videos you had shared

with us was a perfect scenery to have a clear

picture in mind how to manage efficiently

my class on their level of understanding.


Ultimately I will do my best that my EFL class

will reap something out of this seminar.

Either they become better than me or have

an incredible fun learning English as a Foreign Language.


This program extremely fascinate me to be more effective Teacher.

Once again I'm happy for this platform of education I personally received.

TESOL College is an eye opener seeking

more wisdom to enhance despite the short time being spent.

I congratulate you all for your hardwork and all the best.

파일 아이콘첨부파일

